
Ever have a long day, and you get home and just want to be alone? Or you’ve had a long week, and it’s finally Saturday, but instead of letting you sleep in the kids are jumping on your bed at 6 in the morning?

Growing up, there were several times I wanted to run away. Once I actually left the house in the middle of the night (my parents caught me, but that’s another story).

How many times have we just wanted to not interact with anyone or anything?

How many times have we wanted to walk away from God?

How many times have we been successful?

I tried to for years, and at each turn God would turn things around and make it so that I was pointing at a specific purpose for my life.

Something that took me too long to learn is that God is with us when we’re running away.

But it’s “God with us” when we don’t want to be with God.

It’s “God with us” when we want to feel sorry for ourselves.

It’s “God with us” when we want to be alone.

See, that’s the promise of “God with us”: God is with us, regardless of how we feel.

God has been with us this year, as we live through one of the hardest years in modern times.

God has been with us when we feel our lowest.

God has been with me when I want to be alone, and away from anything and everyone around me.

Joshua 1:9 says this:

Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Be strong. Be courage.

God is with you wherever you go.

Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged.

God is with you wherever you go.

As we get closer to Christmas, close out the year, and start 2021 in the hopes for a better and less tumultuous year, let’s remember that God is with us.

Let’s remember that Christmas is coming, but the Savior is already here.

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To the Shepherds


In Emptiness